Social Science

Afrikology: Deconstructing and Reconstructing Knowledge and Value in Africa

During the twentieth century, global politics and economics have been marked by two politically, economically, and intellectually divi – sive rather than culturally and psychologically integrative forces. This has been reflected in the “East/West” mutually antagonistic divide of communism/capitalism and the North/South chasm of wealth and poverty. The result, worldwide, has been, to a considerable degree, stasis and disintegration. In this book, the authors argue that both capitalism and communism were born out of narrow views of our hu – manity, ignoring the cultural richness of the rest of the world.

Integral Community Enterprise in Africa

The devastating effect of western economic models in Africa that followed is well documented. Integral Community Enterprise in Africa exposes the limitations of existing theories, such as capitalism, socialism and communism, and shows how western theories were imposed on Africa. Such imposition of concepts and ideas is not only demeaning but also unsustainable, serving only the interest of the elite.

The Idea of the Communiversity: Releasing the Natural, Cultural, Technological and Economic GENE-ius of Societies

Across the world, we are facing a crisis in education at all levels: for some communities, schooling remains inaccessible, and for others, educational institutions have become elite qualification factories.

What kind of knowledge do we need to survive in the present century and next? Do the current modes of knowledge creation and application address the challenges of the 21st century? How do we bridge the dichotomy between being and knowing, research and innovation, theory and practice?